


Positive thinking can help us overcome fears and take up new challenges. Positive Thinking helps us to achieve our dreams, continue working hard towards achieving success and live a happy life with a positive mindset. Start the day with a morning routine Say positive affirmations, smile often and think about the tasks to be accomplished during the day. Feed the mind with positivity, read motivating books, listen to music with uplifting lyrics, watch inspiring movies, etc.

Here Are Some Tips For Positive Thinking…

Be Proactive:

A proactive person decides how one must feel regardless of what may be going around or what the day may bring. Focus on constructive and positive things. Do not approach life with ‘problems’. Approach it with ‘solutions’.

Learn from failures

Think about what could have been better and work towards the goals. In order to grow personally and professionally, it is vital to learn from failures. Failures offer valuable chances to reflect, analyze, and make improvements. They should not be seen as signs of incompetence or weakness, but rather as natural components of the learning process. By wholeheartedly accepting failure and considering it an opportunity for growth, valuable lessons can be derived from the experience. It is crucial to dedicate time towards analyzing the causes of the failure, identifying contributing factors, and evaluating one’s own role in the situation. This thorough analysis can lead to the identification of areas where improvements are 

Learn to focus on the present:

Negativity mostly stems from the anxiety of past and future events. Developing the ability to stay present is a beneficial skill that contributes to your happiness, productivity, and overall life satisfaction. To anchor yourself in the present, try engaging in activities like meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply observing your surroundings. Avoid dwelling on past mistakes, regrets, or missed opportunities, as they can prevent you from focusing on the present.

Move towards your goals and dreams:

Be cheerful and work hard to achieve your objectives. Wholeheartedly embrace the path that lies ahead, as every step you take brings you closer to the realization of your aspirations and the fulfilment of your deepest desires. Allow your passion to ignite a spark within you, igniting a fire that drives you forward with unwavering enthusiasm towards your goals and dreams

Some More Techniques That Can Help You To Maintain A Positive Outlook In The Long Run:

 Physical Exercise And Fresh Air: 

Following a healthy lifestyle is essential for students. Practising yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises help improve blood circulation and relax the body. Taking a walk or playing in the park helps one to get a lot of fresh air, which helps in becoming more active.

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Healthy Diet: 

A healthy and balanced diet is essential for a healthy body and mind. Eating a balanced diet, such as daal, roti, green vegetables and fruits provides the strength required to do daily work efficiently.

Image Source: pexels.com

Organise Academic Life:

By keeping class notes organised, completing assignments on time and keeping track of all deadlines, stress can be reduced to a great extent. When you are not stressed, you can channel your mind to achieve your goals.

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Adequate Sleep:

A good night’s sleep for at least seven hours is important so that the mind and body can get recharged to function better the next day

Positive Thinking
Image Source: pexels.com

Holidays With Family And Friends:

Visiting a relative’s place, such as a grandparents’ house or a new place during summer vacation can help one break the the monotonous normal routine and come back refreshed.

Positive Thinking
Image Source: pexels.com

A positive attitude is of immense value in a student’s life. There are various situations that the student will encounter in life, wherein staying positive will keep the child going. The most common example would be during exam results. At times, a student does not get the desired result in exams. But it is important not to lose hope, accept the result gracefully and work harder with a positive attitude for the next exam.

Even during an interview for a dream job, a candidate may not get selected in the first attempt. However, with a positive attitude and persistent efforts, all dreams can be achieved. Thus, it becomes imperative for a child to learn to practise a positive attitude in life at all times.

What Is Stress And How To Manage It?

Positive Thinking
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Stress is a state of feeling upset, annoyed and hopeless. There are times when we feel nothing is working right, we are not able to achieve our goals and feel hopeless. During such times, if we manage and control our emotions, it helps us to sail through. Some of the ways to manage stress are given below

  • Stay positive and analyse what is going wrong in a certain situation. Resolving the situation is easy once understood.
  • Maintain an accomplishment sheet and enter even small achievements.
  • Keep your thoughts in present. Pondering over past issues makes us feel upset and helpless.
  • Talk to friends and family for comfort.
  • Practise meditation and yoga.
  • Whenever you feel negative thoughts are taking over, take a look at your accomplishment sheet.

By managing stress effectively and maintaining a positive attitude, one can overcome any challenge and achieve heights in career. Managing stress effectively helps one maintain a healthy work-life balance.


Top Strategies For Hypertension Management

Read Some Books On Positive Thinking

Hypertension is commonly known as high blood stress. Hypertension refers to the presence of abnormally high blood pressure measurements continuously and repeatedly. Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels as it circulates through the body. Hypertension is diagnosed when blood pressure consistently exceeds the normal range. The normal blood pressure range for adults is typically considered to be around 120/80 millimetres of mercury (mmHg). Yoga can help reduce stress, improve circulation and promote relaxation.

There are several yoga asanas (poses) that have been suggested to help manage hypertension. Here are a few examples:

Savasana (Corpse Pose):

This pose promotes relaxation and deep breathing, helping to reduce stress and lower blood pressure. The length of time to hold Savasana, also known as the corpse pose, varies depending on the individual and the class. Typically, Savasana is held for 5-10 minutes at the end of a yoga practice as a way to relax and integrate the benefits of the preceding poses. 

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Sukhasana (Easy Pose):

Sitting cross-legged with a straight spine and focusing on deep, slow breathing can help calm the mind and relax the body, aiding in hypertension management. According to some spiritual persons, it helps us to be in touch with the divine name even when one is in deep slumber. It helps to eradicate negative energies and thoughts.

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Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose):

This gentle inversion pose allows blood to flow towards the head, relieving stress and promoting relaxation. If you have high blood pressure, not long. If you are healthy then as long as it feels comfortable. There should not be a timer set for yoga exercises. Rather, focus on breathing slowly and deeply and enjoy the pose. 

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Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose):

This backbend stretches the chest and opens up the heart, improving circulation and potentially lowering blood pressure.

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Bhujangasana, or Cobra Pose, has several potential benefits, including:

  1. Strengthening the spine, shoulders, and arms.
  2. Stretching the chest, lungs, shoulders, and abdomen.
  3. Stimulating the digestive organs and improving digestion.
  4. Relieving stress and fatigue.
  5. Opening the heart and increasing feelings of happiness.
  6. Improving flexibility and mobility of the spine.

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend):

This seated forward fold stretches the hamstrings and back, promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels.

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Anulom Vilom Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing):

This breathing technique involves inhaling through one nostril and exhaling through the other, which has a calming effect on the nervous system and can help regulate blood pressure.

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Remember that yoga should be practised mindfully and with proper guidance. It’s crucial to listen to your body and modify poses as needed. If you have hypertension or any other medical condition, it’s advisable to seek advice from a qualified yoga instructor or healthcare professional to tailor the practice to your specific needs.

What is Mediation?

Meditation is not a ‘verb’. It is a noun. You do not meditate, it comes upon you like sleep or hunger. You might try to sleep but not actually be able to do so. Exactly like that, whenever you are ‘trying’ to meditate you aren’t really doing it. It is a state which occurs to you. Integrating meditation into your yoga practice can improve its benefits and provide a deeper sense of relaxation and internal stability.

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Here are some tips to help you integrate meditation into your yoga routine:

Set aside dedicated time: Allocate a specific time for meditation within your yoga practice. It can be at the beginning or end of your session, or even as a separate practice altogether.

Create a conducive environment: Find a quiet and peaceful space where you can meditate without distractions. Minimize external noise, dim the lights, and create a serene atmosphere that supports your inward focus.

Establish a comfortable posture: Sit in a comfortable position that allows you to remain alert yet relaxed. You can choose to sit cross-legged on a cushion, use a meditation bench, or even sit on a chair with your feet firmly grounded. Maintain an upright posture to support deep breathing and mental clarity.

Focus on your breath: Use your breath as an anchor for your meditation practice. Observe the natural flow of your breath, feeling the sensation of each inhale and exhale. If your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to the breath, cultivating a sense of presence and mindfulness.

Choose a meditation technique: There are several meditation techniques you can explore, such as focused attention, loving-kindness (metta), or mindfulness meditation. Guided meditations or using meditation apps can also be helpful for beginners.

Start with shorter durations: If you’re new to meditation, begin with shorter sessions, such as 5 to 10 minutes, and gradually increase the duration as you build your practice. Consistency is more important than duration, so aim for regular practice rather than long sessions.

Be gentle with yourself: Meditation is a practice of non-judgment and self-compassion. Be patient with yourself and embrace any thoughts or emotions that arise during your practice.


How Yoga Can Increase Your Height

Read How To Increase Height Naturally

Standing Exercise
Image Source: getthegloss.com

“Flat belly exercise is necessary to keep the body fit.” Let’s bring some changes in your life with these super standing abs workouts that can also give you a flat belly.

Flat Belly Exercises

Here some flat belly exercises are being mentioned which will help you in building muscles and flat belly.


image Source : thisiswhyimfit.com

Place your feet hip-width apart while standing straight. For stability, keep your knees slightly bent and contract your core. While simultaneously pulling your left elbow near your right knee, lift your right knee toward your chest. To make the exercise more challenging, you can increase the speed or add a twisting motion to intensify the oblique engagement.

You can also go with below video:

Video via Youtube.com


Image Source: popsugar.com

Standing upright with your legs shoulder-width apart is a good place to start. Lift your right leg out to the side and then return to the starting position. After 30 seconds of slow, controlled movement, switch sides.


Standing Exercise

Image Source: omyindian.com

Beginners can start this workout easily at home. The best part of this workout is that there no any type of risk for any spinal injury or muscle.

Stand tall with your feet hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward. Place your fingertips behind the head, your elbows pointing out to the sides and parallel to the floor. Now, raise your right knee across the body, and twist your body to the right while bringing your left elbow down towards the lifted knee. The elbow and knee should gently touch. Hold for a moment and then return to the starting position.


Flat Belly

Image Source: nytimes.com

Put both hands and knees on the floor.Place your right foot near your right hand and extend your left leg behind you. In one smooth motion, switch your legs, keeping your arms in the same position. Switch your legs back and forth twice, such that your right leg is again close to your right hand. 

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