


As you get further into your pregnancy, a number of questions may arise. Many of these queries can be categorized under things that start happening to your body and have you wondering, “Is this normal?” (More often than not, the answer is yes, and we’ve got tips to help you cope.) Here are a few common issues in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, and how to deal with them.

Swollen Feet and Ankles

Due to fluid retention, this is common and can be quite uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the swellingElevate your feet whenever you can, wear supportive shoes and avoid bare feet, flip flops or high heels. Also, avoid sitting for long periods of time. If the swelling doesn’t ever abate, becomes painful or appears in one leg only, consult your healthcare provider immediately as this can be a sign of preeclampsia or a blood clot.

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Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

The cause of leg cramps are unknown but they are thought to be caused by the increased pressure of your growing uterus, possibly a deficiency in some nutrients and typically occur during your second trimester. To reduce the effect, try to include more calcium-, magnesium- and potassium-rich foods in your diet.

Drink plenty of water, as dehydration could also be the cause. Avoid crossing your legs for extended periods of time, and exercise daily (if your doctor approves). Wiggle your toes and rotate your ankles when sitting for long periods of time, such as during a lengthy car ride. Avoid lying on your back, as this tends to decrease circulation in your legs and cause more cramps.

For immediate relief, stretch the leg gently by straightening it, then flex your foot and pull your toes toward Massage the cramp or apply heat.

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Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy

Swelling or bleeding gums may occur due to increased circulation and pregnancy hormones. This issue will typically go away once your baby has arrived. Brush and floss regularly and visit your dentist early in your pregnancy to maintain good oral health.

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Heartburn During Pregnancy

Nope, this isn’t just a first trimester thing. Heartburn can seem non-stop when you are expecting. As your uterus grows, it crowds your stomach, pushing stomach acids upwards. Your digestive system is also working slower than usual due to changing hormone levels.

To manage heartburn, avoid any fried, spicy or super-rich foods, chocolate, mint, tomatoes and tomato sauce, citrus fruit, onion and carbonated drinks. Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day (this will also help with nausea)Don’t eat too close to bedtime or before lying down. When resting, prop up your head and shoulders using extra pillows to prevent stomach acids from rising.

Finally, ask your doctor or pharmacist which heartburn medications are safe during pregnancy-there are many safe options.

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Always stay in touch with your doctor. When needed consult your issues with the doctor.

Must Read

Pregnancy First Trimester Guide

As soon as you’ve received a positive on an at-home test (or even if you just suspect that you’re pregnant), it’s best to reach out to your family doctor If your pregnancy test is inconclusive, they will confirm your pregnancy with urine and/or blood tests and provide guidance for the months ahead. If you’re unsure of when you conceived, a dating ultrasound may be recommended.

You may have heard that it’s best not to share pregnancy news with friends and family until after the first 12 weeks. While this is a fairly common practice, it’s not necessary and is entirely up to you and your partner as to when you will share the news.


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The First Trimester of Pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy can pass by with very few symptoms or be a fairly challenging time. Every woman (and every pregnancy!) is different, but it’s common to experience any or all of the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Tender, swollen breasts Increased urination
  • Fatigue or even exhaustion (when you’re very tired for prolonged periods of time)
  • Heartburn and/or constipation
  • Food cravings and aversions

Managing Morning Sickness during Pregnancy

Feeling a little green? The term “morning sickness” is a misnomer because in reality, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy can be an issue at any point throughout the day. If you’re experiencing this common ailment, there are ways to minimize your symptoms.

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  • Eat small, frequent meals rather than a few larger meals an empty stomach can trigger or increase nausea in pregnancy.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Try sipping on smoothies. A cold drink sweetened with raspberries, strawberries and blueberries can help fight nausea and is generally easy to stomach.
  • Get some rest and Get plenty of fresh air.
  • Identify and avoid nausea triggers. such as specific foods or strong smells.
  • Crackers to the rescue! Keep a sleeve of plain crackers, like saltines, on your nightstand and eat a couple before getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Try natural remedies-eating ginger, sucking on sour candies, using peppermint aromatherapy or wearing a sea band all have varying degrees of success.
  • If you are vomiting frequently and find that you don’t pee very often or your pee is very dark yellow and you cannot drink enough to correct this, please reach out to your doctor for support.
  • Pro tip: Keep Snacks in your purse!

Things What are Safe During Pregnancy

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  • Safe Caffeine (in moderation)
  • Dyeing your hair/eyebrows/eyelashes (avoid until after your first trimester and ensure proper ventilation; also, an organic or semi-permanent dye is best and be sure to do a skin test to avoid any allergic reactions)
  • Acupuncture or massage therapy (be sure to inform your practitioner about your pregnancy
  • Sex (unless instructed otherwise by your doctor)

Things to Avoid During Pregnancy

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  • Smoking
  • Drinking Alcohol
  • Cannabis
  • Excessive caffeine stay under 200 to 300mg per day two cups of coffee or two to four cups of caffeinated tea)
  • Eating unpasteurized cheese
  • Using a hot tub (unless the water temperature is lower than 36 C) or sauna
  • Getting an x-ray

For details of Do’s and Don’t connect with your doctor and discuss in detail.

Continue Reading

Common Issues in the Second and Third Trimesters of Pregnancy and How to Deal with Them