


Trading as a College Student !! Sounds Exciting. In college, students have many opportunities to try new things and get involved in all sorts of activities. It’s an exciting phase of life where one can venture into new experiences, such as exploring different trades. Trading is not limited to wealthy individuals on Wall Street; even university students like me have the opportunity to participate.

So, why should you care about trading while you’re buried in textbooks and dining hall food? a one-of-a-kind chance to show off your money skills, learn useful life lessons, and maybe even make some extra cash for those late-night pizza runs.

Trading as a College Student

Benefits of Trading as a College Student

Now that you’ve dipped your toes into the idea of trading as a college student, let’s dive headfirst into the benefits, because trust me, there are plenty!

Financial Empowerment

Just imagine being able to increase your funds while you’re still in school. Trading gives you the power to manage your finances, and it can really make a big difference. It’s like having a special financial ability that many college students don’t realize they have.

Real-World Application

Do you recall all those never-ending equations and theories from your finance and economics classes? Trading is the point where things really get interesting and action happens. You have a chance to apply the knowledge you’ve acquired in a practical, real-world scenario. It’s like being the star player in your favourite video game.


Life in college can be quite unpredictable. You’re juggling classes, assignments, and possibly even a part-time job. Trading provides a lot of flexibility. You have the convenience of being able to do it from your dorm room or even during your coffee breaks between classes. It’s the perfect side gig.

Income Potential

Let’s get straight to the point. Trading can be a way for you to make money. Although there are no guarantees of striking gold, having the right knowledge and strategies can certainly improve your chances of achieving success. I’ve witnessed college students transform their small investments into substantial savings.

Lifelong Skillset

Think about trading as a means to invest in your personal growth and development. The skills you acquire during your college years, like critical thinking, risk management, and decision-making, will continue to hold great value even after you graduate. They are similar to a secret weapon that you will bring with you into the future.


The trading community is made up of a lot of professionals who are enthusiastic about sharing their knowledge. It’s quite extensive! When you become a part of this network, you’ll get the chance to connect with valuable contacts and mentors who can help you make important connections and open doors for you. When I was trading in college, I had the chance to meet some incredible individuals who had a significant impact on my understanding of the market.

There are definitely some clear advantages to what we’re doing. In the next sections, we’ll talk about the challenges you may face, offer advice on how to begin, and provide you with the information and tools you need to make the most of this exciting journey.

Challenges and Considerations while Trading as a College Student

As you prepare to start your college trading journey, it’s important to understand that every adventure has its own set of challenges and things to think about.

Limited Capital

Most college students aren’t swimming in money. You might be working with a tight budget, and that’s okay. It’s crucial to start small and never invest more than you can afford to lose. Think of it as your own personal finance class with real stakes.

Time Management

Balancing classes, assignments, social life, and trading can be a juggling act. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the market, but you must prioritize your studies. Time management will be your best friend.

Emotional Rollercoaster

The market can be a wild ride. It goes up and down, and it can mess with your emotions. Imagine studying hard for an exam, and then the market takes a nosedive.

Risk and Uncertainty

Trading inherently involves risk. You can do all the research in the world, but there are no guarantees. Understanding and managing risk is critical. It’s like being the captain of a ship in a turbulent sea.

Essential Trading Strategies for College Students

Now that you have successfully set up your trading account, it’s time to get ready and explore the thrilling world of trading strategies. Remember, just like a road trip requires a map, your trading journey needs a strategy to guide you toward success.

Start with the Basics

Every journey begins with the first step. As a college student trader, start with the fundamental strategies. Learn about day trading, swing trading, and long-term investing. Think of them as different routes to your financial destination.

Diversify Your Portfolio

It’s like packing for a trip; you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket. This helps spread risk and can lead to more stable returns.

Risk Management

One of the most crucial strategies is managing risk. College students often have limited funds, so protecting your capital is essential. Set stop-loss orders, define your risk tolerance, and stick to it. Think of it as wearing your seatbelt on a road trip—it’s a safety precaution.

Practice Patience

Patience is a virtue in both trading and road trips. Don’t rush. Sometimes, the best trading decisions involve waiting for the right moment. It’s like taking a scenic route on your journey, savouring every moment.

These essential trading strategies are your roadmap to success. In the next sections, we’ll delve into time management skills to balance academics and trading and explore risk management strategies in more detail.

Learning Resources and Further Education

Online Courses: Just like signing up for workshops to enhance your skills on a road trip, there are online courses tailored for traders.

Trading Books: Think of trading books as your travel guides. They offer in-depth knowledge and insights from experienced traders. Start with classics like “The Intelligent Investor” by Benjamin Graham and “Market Wizards” by Jack D. Schwager.

Webinars and Seminars: Attending webinars and seminars is like joining a group tour on your journey.

Trading Communities: Joining trading communities is akin to finding fellow travellers on your route.

Demo Trading: Consider demo trading as your practice pit stop. Most platforms offer demo accounts where you can trade with virtual money. It’s an excellent way to apply what you’ve learned without risking real capital.

Let me share a personal story about the power of learning resources. When I started trading in college, I devoured books, attended webinars, and connected with experienced traders.

One particular book, “The Art of Trading” by Chris Tate, completely transformed my understanding of technical analysis. It was as if I had discovered a secret map to navigate the market more effectively. Learning from others and tapping into available resources significantly accelerated my growth as a trader.

Continuously expanding your knowledge and skills is like upgrading your vehicle for the journey. In the upcoming sections, we’ll explore the inspiring success stories of college student traders who’ve reached their destinations and discuss the importance of balance and patience on this trading road.

Your Journey Begins: Taking the First Steps towards Trading as a College Student

Now, my fellow college traders, it’s time for the most exciting part of our journey—the beginning of your trading adventure. We’ve laid the foundation, gathered knowledge, and soaked in inspiration.

Start Small, Dream Big

Remember, even the tallest skyscrapers start with a single brick. Begin with a small investment you’re comfortable with, and as you gain confidence and experience, you can dream bigger. It’s like setting off on a road trip with a single step to trading as a college student

Stick to Your Plan

Your trading plan is your roadmap. Stick to it religiously. When things get bumpy, trust your plan to navigate you through. It’s like following GPS directions; it knows the best route even when you’re uncertain.

Embrace Learning

The market is your teacher. Every trade is a lesson, whether it results in a profit or a loss. Continuously educate yourself and adapt your strategies based on what you learn. It’s like gaining wisdom from each mile of your journey.

So, my fellow traders, start your engines, trust your roadmap, and embrace the twists and turns of this incredible journey of Trading as a College Student. Your destination? Financial empowerment and a brighter future Safe travels, and may your trading journey be as rewarding as you’ve imagined!

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In the dynamic world of marketing, where digital landscapes are constantly evolving, the term “freelance digital marketing” has gained significant traction. Freelancing in digital marketing is an exciting and rewarding career choice that offers flexibility, diverse opportunities, and the potential for substantial income. This ultimate guide will walk you through the ins and outs of freelance digital marketing success, providing valuable insights, tips, and strategies to help you thrive in this competitive field.

What is Freelance Digital Marketing?

Before diving into the details, let’s clarify what freelance digital marketing entails. Freelance digital marketing involves working independently as a digital marketing specialist, offering your services to businesses, organizations, or individuals on a project basis. These projects can encompass various aspects of digital marketing, such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content creation, email marketing, and more.

What is Freelance Digital Marketing?

The Advantages of Freelance Digital Marketing

Freelance digital marketing presents numerous advantages that make it an attractive career choice. Here are some key benefits:

Flexibility and Independence

The freedom that comes with independent digital marketing is one of the best things about it. You can choose your own clients, jobs, and hours of work. You can make a work-life mix that works for you because you are independent.

Diverse Clientele

As a freelance digital marketer, you’ll have the opportunity to work with a diverse range of clients from various industries. This diversity can be intellectually stimulating and enriching as you adapt your strategies to meet the unique needs of each client.

Income Potential

The income potential in freelance digital marketing is substantial. As you gain experience and build a solid reputation, you can command higher rates for your services. Some experienced freelancers even earn a six-figure income.

Skill Enhancement

Freelancing encourages continuous learning and skill enhancement. You’ll stay updated with the latest digital marketing trends and technologies to remain competitive in the field.

Location Independence

Thanks to the digital nature of their work, freelance digital marketers can work from anywhere with an internet connection. This opens up opportunities for remote work and even the possibility of becoming a digital nomad.

Getting Started in Freelance Digital Marketing

Getting Started in Freelance Digital Marketing

Crafting Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Before you embark on your freelance journey, it’s crucial to define your unique selling proposition (USP). Your USP sets you apart from the competition and communicates the specific value you bring to clients. Consider what makes you unique, whether it’s your expertise in a niche, your innovative approach, or your outstanding track record.

Building an Impressive Portfolio

A compelling portfolio is your best tool for attracting clients. Showcase your previous work, successful campaigns, and results achieved for clients. Include case studies that highlight your ability to solve marketing challenges effectively.

Setting Your Rates

Determining your freelance rates can be challenging. Research industry standards and consider your experience, expertise, and the complexity of the projects you’ll handle. Be transparent with clients about your pricing structure.

Creating a Strong Online Presence

Establishing an online presence is essential for attracting clients. Develop a professional website and optimize it for search engines. Use social media platforms to showcase your expertise and engage with potential clients.

Effective Strategies for Freelance Success


Networking is a cornerstone of freelance success. Attend industry events, join digital marketing forums, and connect with fellow freelancers and potential clients. Building a robust professional network can lead to valuable opportunities.

Content Marketing

Create high-quality content that demonstrates your expertise. Blogging, video marketing, and guest posting can help you establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Content marketing also boosts your SEO efforts, making it easier for potential clients to find you online.

Client Relationships

Maintaining strong client relationships is crucial. Effective communication, delivering on promises, and exceeding client expectations can lead to repeat business and referrals.

Continuous Learning

The digital marketing landscape is ever-changing. Invest in your professional development by taking courses, attending webinars, and staying informed about industry trends. This commitment to learning will keep your skills sharp and relevant.


Embarking on a career in freelance digital marketing is a rewarding journey filled with opportunities for success. By defining your USP, building a strong online presence, and continually enhancing your skills, you can thrive in this dynamic field. Remember that networking, effective client relationships, and staying updated with industry trends are key to achieving freelance digital marketing success.

So, are you ready to take the plunge into the world of freelance digital marketing? With dedication, passion, and the insights shared in this ultimate guide, you can chart a course toward a prosperous and fulfilling career.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How can I find my first freelance digital marketing clients?

Start by reaching out to your existing network and offering your services at a discounted rate to build your portfolio. You can also create profiles on freelancing platforms like Upwork and Freelancer to find clients.

Q: What tools are essential for freelance digital marketers?

Essential tools include analytics platforms like Google Analytics, SEO tools like SEMrush, email marketing software like MailChimp, and social media management tools like Hootsuite.

Q: How do I handle pricing negotiations with clients?

Be transparent about your pricing structure from the beginning. Clearly outline what services are included in your rates. Negotiate with a focus on delivering value and meeting the client’s goals.

Q: Is it necessary to specialize in a particular niche?

While it’s not mandatory, specializing in a niche can make you more appealing to certain clients. It allows you to showcase your expertise and stand out in a crowded market.

Q: How can I manage my time effectively as a freelance digital marketer?

Use time management tools and techniques, such as setting clear work hours, creating to-do lists, and prioritizing tasks. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you.

Q: What is the future outlook for freelance digital marketers?

The demand for freelance digital marketers is expected to continue growing as businesses increasingly rely on digital strategies. With the right skills and marketing approach, freelancers can enjoy a prosperous career.

In the realm of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT has emerged as a groundbreaking technology, revolutionizing the way we interact with machines. With its advanced natural language processing capabilities, it enables human-like conversations and offers a wide range of applications across industries. This blog post delves into the potential and limitations of ChatGPT, exploring its impact on communication, customer service, creativity, and ethical considerations.

What Is ChatGPT?

The question arises what ChatGPT is? It is a conversational artificial Intelligence chatbot that can answer just about any question you throw at it.
In fact you can think of it as Google Search, but on steroids. It presents information in a conversational and structured form similar to what a human would do when providing answers to questions. Moreover, it can answer questions in just about any field. Science, mathematics, religion, sports, politics—you name it.

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Write, Debug, and Explain Code

Writing, debugging, and explaining code are fundamental skills for any programmer or developer. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of writing code, debugging it when issues arise, and effectively explaining the code to others.
However, it can help you understand complex topics that might be a bit over your head. Whether you’re an experienced programmer or a newbie, sometimes you’re bound to run into a few bugs in your code. It can help you solve the problem within your code, saving you hours looking for a misplaced comma. You can also write entire blocks of functional code snippets from scratch. However, deploying ChatGPT code to a production server might not be an entirely great idea.

Solve Tricky Math Equations

If you struggle with math like I do, you can use ChatGPT as both a calculator and a tutor. Whether you’re looking to tackle complex algebra problems or simple math problems that are too tricky to piece together, it is particularly strong in handling math. Ask it to solve a complex math equation, and the chatbot will give you the answer while also showing its work.

Write a Resume and Cover Letter

If you are a job seeker then you how exhausting job hunting is. The most challenging part of the job application process is writing a personalized resume and cover letter for every job you apply for.

It will generate a cover letter based on the information you provide, but you can ask it to improve the first result.
Infact ChatGPT is one of the quickest ways to make a resume online. It can help relieve you of the burden of customizing each resume for each job posting in just a few seconds.

Explain Complex Topics using ChatGPT

ChatGPT can also help you understand complex topics that might be a bit over your head. Sometimes, simply Googling a topic doesn’t give you a clear understanding. This is where ChatGPT comes in. It doesn’t show you a web page just like Google does, but if do I’d probably stop reading and move on. But this isn’t a static page; it allows you to interact with its results and ask follow-up questions.

Create Content In Multiple Languages

ChatGPT is a language model that uses deep learning, natural language processing, and GPT models to respond in multiple languages. If you’re a content creator that would love to reach a wider audience, it could be incredibly useful for creating content in multiple languages, as there is Google Translate, but writing in one language and translating to the other means a lot of contexts and language-specific tones could be lost. It can create content directly in several languages. Chinese? Check. Spanish? Check. French? Check. We prompted ChatGPT to write a poem in English and Chinese, and here’s the result:

ChatGPT A Chat Companion

ChatGPT is a very accommodating companion when you need someone (or a robot) to talk to. It is a smart and versatile conversationalist that boasts a vast knowledge base covering a wide range of topics.

Write Essays on Almost Any Topic

Just like you use Google to get answers to your questions, you can request the same information from ChatGPT. As ChatGPT can help you in writing an essay for you. While we strongly advise you to write your essays yourself, it can compose amazing essays on a wide range of topics, even the most complex. We prompted ChatGPT to write an essay on Climate Change, and here’s the result:

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8 Reasons How Travel Makes You Awesome

As you get further into your pregnancy, a number of questions may arise. Many of these queries can be categorized under things that start happening to your body and have you wondering, “Is this normal?” (More often than not, the answer is yes, and we’ve got tips to help you cope.) Here are a few common issues in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, and how to deal with them.

Swollen Feet and Ankles

Due to fluid retention, this is common and can be quite uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the swellingElevate your feet whenever you can, wear supportive shoes and avoid bare feet, flip flops or high heels. Also, avoid sitting for long periods of time. If the swelling doesn’t ever abate, becomes painful or appears in one leg only, consult your healthcare provider immediately as this can be a sign of preeclampsia or a blood clot.

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Leg Cramps During Pregnancy

The cause of leg cramps are unknown but they are thought to be caused by the increased pressure of your growing uterus, possibly a deficiency in some nutrients and typically occur during your second trimester. To reduce the effect, try to include more calcium-, magnesium- and potassium-rich foods in your diet.

Drink plenty of water, as dehydration could also be the cause. Avoid crossing your legs for extended periods of time, and exercise daily (if your doctor approves). Wiggle your toes and rotate your ankles when sitting for long periods of time, such as during a lengthy car ride. Avoid lying on your back, as this tends to decrease circulation in your legs and cause more cramps.

For immediate relief, stretch the leg gently by straightening it, then flex your foot and pull your toes toward Massage the cramp or apply heat.

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Bleeding Gums During Pregnancy

Swelling or bleeding gums may occur due to increased circulation and pregnancy hormones. This issue will typically go away once your baby has arrived. Brush and floss regularly and visit your dentist early in your pregnancy to maintain good oral health.

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Heartburn During Pregnancy

Nope, this isn’t just a first trimester thing. Heartburn can seem non-stop when you are expecting. As your uterus grows, it crowds your stomach, pushing stomach acids upwards. Your digestive system is also working slower than usual due to changing hormone levels.

To manage heartburn, avoid any fried, spicy or super-rich foods, chocolate, mint, tomatoes and tomato sauce, citrus fruit, onion and carbonated drinks. Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day (this will also help with nausea)Don’t eat too close to bedtime or before lying down. When resting, prop up your head and shoulders using extra pillows to prevent stomach acids from rising.

Finally, ask your doctor or pharmacist which heartburn medications are safe during pregnancy-there are many safe options.

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Always stay in touch with your doctor. When needed consult your issues with the doctor.

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Pregnancy First Trimester Guide

As soon as you’ve received a positive on an at-home test (or even if you just suspect that you’re pregnant), it’s best to reach out to your family doctor If your pregnancy test is inconclusive, they will confirm your pregnancy with urine and/or blood tests and provide guidance for the months ahead. If you’re unsure of when you conceived, a dating ultrasound may be recommended.

You may have heard that it’s best not to share pregnancy news with friends and family until after the first 12 weeks. While this is a fairly common practice, it’s not necessary and is entirely up to you and your partner as to when you will share the news.


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The First Trimester of Pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy can pass by with very few symptoms or be a fairly challenging time. Every woman (and every pregnancy!) is different, but it’s common to experience any or all of the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Tender, swollen breasts Increased urination
  • Fatigue or even exhaustion (when you’re very tired for prolonged periods of time)
  • Heartburn and/or constipation
  • Food cravings and aversions

Managing Morning Sickness during Pregnancy

Feeling a little green? The term “morning sickness” is a misnomer because in reality, nausea and vomiting in pregnancy can be an issue at any point throughout the day. If you’re experiencing this common ailment, there are ways to minimize your symptoms.

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  • Eat small, frequent meals rather than a few larger meals an empty stomach can trigger or increase nausea in pregnancy.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Try sipping on smoothies. A cold drink sweetened with raspberries, strawberries and blueberries can help fight nausea and is generally easy to stomach.
  • Get some rest and Get plenty of fresh air.
  • Identify and avoid nausea triggers. such as specific foods or strong smells.
  • Crackers to the rescue! Keep a sleeve of plain crackers, like saltines, on your nightstand and eat a couple before getting out of bed in the morning.
  • Try natural remedies-eating ginger, sucking on sour candies, using peppermint aromatherapy or wearing a sea band all have varying degrees of success.
  • If you are vomiting frequently and find that you don’t pee very often or your pee is very dark yellow and you cannot drink enough to correct this, please reach out to your doctor for support.
  • Pro tip: Keep Snacks in your purse!

Things What are Safe During Pregnancy

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  • Safe Caffeine (in moderation)
  • Dyeing your hair/eyebrows/eyelashes (avoid until after your first trimester and ensure proper ventilation; also, an organic or semi-permanent dye is best and be sure to do a skin test to avoid any allergic reactions)
  • Acupuncture or massage therapy (be sure to inform your practitioner about your pregnancy
  • Sex (unless instructed otherwise by your doctor)

Things to Avoid During Pregnancy

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  • Smoking
  • Drinking Alcohol
  • Cannabis
  • Excessive caffeine stay under 200 to 300mg per day two cups of coffee or two to four cups of caffeinated tea)
  • Eating unpasteurized cheese
  • Using a hot tub (unless the water temperature is lower than 36 C) or sauna
  • Getting an x-ray

For details of Do’s and Don’t connect with your doctor and discuss in detail.

Continue Reading

Common Issues in the Second and Third Trimesters of Pregnancy and How to Deal with Them

Traveling. It leaves you speechless and then turns you into one incredible person. People always ask how travel has changed me. The answer you are going to get is straightforward, it makes me modest. How? If I look back at who I was before I began traveling and compare that to who I am now, I would have to say that travel has made me a better, more well-rounded person, I’m way more relaxed now than I was first left to explore the world. I am more confident and sure of myself.

Still doubtful about why you should start traveling? Here is a sneak peek at the list of 8 reasons why travel makes you super awesome.

1. Travelling Boosts Your Self Esteem

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Traveling allows you to have fun, de-stress, see new places and learn new things. You’ll be able to gain a stronger sense of self and purpose in life. Traveling gives you a clear vision, which is backed by definite plans, and that provides you with an enormous feeling of personal power and trust. Feel Like You’re Doing Something With Your Life. When you take the first step to plan your very own trip, yes that’s when the confidence in you comes alive. With sorting out places to visit, things to do, hotels, and whatnot? You end up being more independent and self-confident.

2. Traveling improves social skills

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When you first start traveling, you will come across many difficulties one being interacting with strangers. When you travel you are forced to make small talk and get to know new people. You have learn how to make friends out of strangers and get more comfortable talking to new people. But with time you will realize you have become way more interactive, friendly, and comfortable with the people surrounding you.

3. Travelling Makes You Cherish Small Things In Life

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Traveling is a fun, exciting, and frustrating adventure. It’s also a reminder. Traveling is a reminder to be grateful for all the little things in our lives. With traveling, you start realizing that life is so beautiful and you should always be thankful. You start appreciating little things in life be it the everyday sunrise or sunset.

4. Travelling Gives You The Sweet Memories

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The best thing about traveling is that it gives you incredible and unbelievable moments which you can cherish forever. No book, no video, no picture can justify a place as you will do with your own eyes. So travel my friend whenever you can to have the best of life.

5. Travelling Makes Us Happy

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Travel reminds us how to be happy. You’ll become more relaxed, more confident, and see the world as a brighter place. Once you start traveling you become an extrovert, become more confident; you will have so many stories to tell the world, so many experiences to share. To be precise, you will be one happy person.

6. Travel Makes You More Attractive

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It’s true, travel makes you more attractive, sexier and leaves you with an everlasting glow. Those carefree, relaxing days on the road are going to make you more confident and radiant, and you’ll age slower. Travel gives you stories and stories are attractive – of course it does depend on what the stories are about and how you tell them, but simply having them is a good start

7. Travel Makes You Smarter and Wiser

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Travelling is change, and change makes you smarter because you must adapt – whether it’s to new ideas, new situations or new challenges. You’ll better understand how the world works and how people behave because of all the walking tours you do, the people you meet, and the sights you see. You can read all the books you want but, until you see the world, you’ll never really “get it.”

8. Travel makes you a better person

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Travel is exciting, inspiring, and fun. Travel not only makes you comfortable talking to strangers, travel makes you a better person by helping you discover the humanity in others — and by pushing you to become more compassionate and creative yourself.

Need any more reasons? If these 8 reasons why travel makes you super awesome didn’t motivate you to book your ticket to your favorite destination, then I have no idea what will! Anyway if it did, you are just one step away to become a super awesome person. Happy travels!

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